When preparing customized reports for your firm, make your report stand out by making it easy to read, completely up-to-date, informative, and efficient. Intellectual properties firms no doubt have report generating software that they currently use for valuing intellectual property, tracking accounts, et cetera. Sticking with the average report will keep your appearing like the average intellectual properties docket supervisor. To advance in the ranks, you must set yourself up to be above average.
Take time to learn all the capabilities that your current software has that are not currently being used. You may find that there are features that will make the reports more valuable to your firm, but then again, you may find that the software is outdated. If you do find that it is outdated, rather than complaining, do personal research on what a more favorable report generating software package may be. When you find one that is ideal, write a proposal giving the benefits of investing in this new program as opposed to keeping the outdated program. Because this is not something the typical IP docket supervisor would do, it will set you in a position where your merits are starting to be more recognized.
As an intellectual properties docket supervisor, you will also be responsible for maintaining the docket calendar. The software for calendaring must also be well understood and up-to-date in efficiency levels. Having a court or filing deadline date overlooked can, of course, be costly to intellectual properties firm's reputation, profit margin, and overall effectiveness. Seek out potential problems with schedules and notifications of dates before they occur and work to correct them before they ever become a problem. Track your own efficiency and ensure that if anyone at all misses a court date or deadline that it is well documented that you did all that was in your power to avoid the issue. Do not play the blame game, but instead simply have a documentation method to show that you had done your job efficiently. When there is a mistake on your behalf, actively accept blame and do what you can to correct any consequences. When valuing intellectual properties docket supervisor's contribution to the firm, seeing that they readily accept the responsibility for their mistakes will help them become recognized for the integrity of personal accountability.
When preparing the distribution of weekly and daily docketing schedules for individual attorneys, it is essential that all related personnel are also given copies. Paralegals, assistants, and supervisors will be closer to the daily activities of the individual attorneys and will be able to more easily recognize a conflict that you may know nothing about. It may seem like extra paperwork at times, but as the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. When it comes to ways to help you advance, doing the bare minimum will never help you advance as a docketing supervisor. Making sure that you keep the entire team within the loop for even relatively minor issues demonstrates that you have respect for every position involved with every phase of your intellectual properties firm's business.
As there are changes to laws, rules, procedures, and criteria to valuing intellectual properties a docketing supervisor must make sure that they are fully aware of the impact of each change on the firm’s activities. As you see a rule that could affect the way certain departments conduct business, you have two choices. One is to let them figure it out on their own and let them accept their own consequences for an oversight. However, that will not do anything to boost your recognition as a superior intellectual properties docketing supervisor. The other choice you have is to write a brief memo pointing out the changes and forward that memo to all key people within the affected department. In doing this, make sure that you describe your notification as a courtesy. That will prevent team members from bypassing their responsibility to become informed of the changes by relying on you to keep them informed. It will also help them to be grateful that you went out of your way to help prevent errors, thus creating personal loyalty that will benefit you as promotions become available or you seek better positions elsewhere.
As a docket supervisor, it is your job to ensure that attorneys and related staff are fully aware of the details related to critical dates and deadlines. If you sense that there is an especially urgent detail that should absolutely not be overlooked, supplementing written communication with a phone call or personal visit will show that you sincerely care about the success and reputation of that department and the firm.
Because a large amount of an intellectual properties docketing supervisor's responsibilities require strong communication skill in both written and verbal forms, seeking educational enhancements to these areas will help increase your value. Even the best communicators can gain valuable nuggets to add to their skill level. If you are unsure of what areas you might need improvement, humble yourself and ask secretaries, assistants, paralegals, attorneys, and whomever else you regularly communicate with for feedback. Do not take a survey, just occasionally ask someone, for example, “Is there anything you think I might be able to do to make this more clearly understood?” Or “It seems that somehow there was a breakdown in communication. What would you recommend I do to make sure that I am clearer in the future?” You do not have to follow their advice every time, but pay close attention to it. We are not as good at observing ourselves in truth as others are. When you recognize an area where you can improve, seek out a book, web site, or seminar that might help you improve.
Being proactive in improving yourself as a valuable team member within your intellectual properties firm will give you the advantage when there is a position that you could promote to. It will also help secure excellent references for the future.
- See Top 10 Reasons Most Law Firms Have No Idea How to Hire and Evaluate Patent Attorneys for more information.